Friday, August 6, 2010
You'll Be Another Year Older

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
One More Time
I understand the reasons for closing the bridge are numerous. I also understand the numerous arguments for trying to keep it operating. What I'm going to have to try and come to terms with is getting to know the staff and specials of new bars in SODO....as of 7pm today...Georgetown and all it's fine establishments are no longer on my daily ride home. I woulda thought that alone would've been motivation enough for the Georgetown businesses to figure out a way to keep the thing open.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It Took Something Like This...
Moncler Gamme Bleu Spring/Summer 2011 Runway from LAT Videos on Vimeo.
I'm still really excited that cycling is becoming a little more mainstream, but I swear stuff like this makes me want to punch myself in the face for riding a bike. Or...get into the world of fashion. Anyone think the Fashion world would be ready for what I could potentially unleash upon it?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
We're Coming Out!
Simply put...I'll be announcing the date, location, some rules, a website, drinking beer, giving some stuff out, making introductions and riping on PDX. And who knows...if enough people slip me shots of the Baby Making Juice while I'm there...I might even leak some details about a super secret project we're doing at the Raleigh Mother Ship for this event. Maybe...
If you enjoy the FaceBooks and the Twitters...you can find more information on the event.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
All In A Wad...
Men's Journal Magazine May 2010 Cyclocross Fashion Shoot from Dylan Coulter on Vimeo.
Where are the JumpSuits?
Where are the Leather Pants?
Where are the Plaid Skirts?
The Short Shorts?
The Red Suits?
In my humble opinion...they missed the mark completely. I think it's time to update my resume and notify them that I'm available for consulting for any future cycle fashion shoots they may attempt.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Did You Ride Back?
So on a Wednesday night where my chain ended up dripping wet...I decided I was going to ride to Portland that upcoming weekend.
200 miles. (ended up being 199)
One day. (All day)
On my track bike. (cause i've done it on gears before)
Unsupported. (what does that even mean?! I'm supportin my ass on every ride)
Alone. (I actually didn't choose this...my friends are intelligent)
WTF?! (Seriously...wtf?!)
Big rides have been documented. People have gone further. People have done it faster. People have done it more "hard core" than I did...I mean really...it was wearing spandex and applying chamois butter like Nutella on a crepes. If I really wanted to get tough guy points I woulda rode in my Carhartts, Sambas, and a Tshirt and ate nothing but hot dogs with relish. Honestly...there was nothing about the ride that warrants any kind of anything.
So why do it? Not sure. I do know I've fallen into a rut as of late. I've been lacking motivation, inspiration, and deprivation. And this seemed like the right thing to break me of it all.
Did it work? Time will tell. And NO...I didn't ride back to Seattle the next day. That sh*t's dumb.