Monday, January 28, 2008


{words carey}

Everyday that I leave my house without my bike under me I feel a little uneasy; uneasy because I start to put myself through a fairly intense guilt trip: "You should have taken your bike! You need to ride! The weather is going to be ify the whole rest of the week except for today - it is sunny grab the bike! Why didn't you ride?" and such.

So, I am teaching myself that it is alright if you don't ride every single day, it's OK to just rest, sleep in a bit, and enjoy the warmth of the car. Monday's are my devoted days for this rest, warmth, sleep catch up, and body rejuvenation. Every Monday I try to drive in with a weeks worth of groceries and clothes because riding 50 miles round trip is a lot more comfortable with only a lock, some incidental items, a camera, ipod, and some bike repair stuff in your bag.

My Monday habits have started and I must say on this icy/snowy filled day I was happy to have developed this habit.



1 comment:

Jon said...

Yeah, if my round trip was 50 miles, I'd do the same thing. At 17 miles, round trip, I'm afraid the guilt would work me too hard.